Original song: “Feathers Of A Dove”

The following link is to audius.co to my original song, “Feathers of a Dove”. I originally recorded this on 29 January 2016 and had it remastered soon after by Sage Audio in Nashville. It was re-remastered in April 2024 by Andy Rolfe of Sharp Sounds, Perth, Western Australia (who, I think, did a better job than Sage). ISRC: AU-N8W-24–00005.


Author: Darryl Greer

I was born, educated and spent the first chapter of my working life in Queensland, Australia. My education was cut short -- by me, due to the sheer boredom of it -- and at the age of 15 I left to work on a milk run. I went on to work as a window cleaner, cocktail barman, wine waiter, clerk, car salesman and a guitarist and backing singer in a rather hopeless rock band. Eventually, I got my act together, studied Law and at 28, owned my own law firm in Queensland's far north. After nine years in the tropics, I became bored with constant blue skies, gently swaying coconut palms and scuba-diving on the Great Barrier Reef so I sold up and moved with my family to London. I practised there for twenty years, specialising in commercial litigation, mostly at partner level in the City. In 2004, I returned to Queensland and, now a widower, live with my daughter in Mudgeeraba. I am a published author of a significant number of articles in British and international magazines and of seven novels, "The Election", "Calvus", "Agnus Dei", "Sleeping With Angels", "A Dragon In The Snow", "Bounty" and in 2023, "Zeno", a sequel to "Calvus". I published my memoir, "...Passing Through..." in February 2020. I continue to do what I love, write and I am currently researching and writing my next novel. All my books are on Amazon, both amazon.com and amazon.com.au and are available in paperback and Kindle e-book. Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4089435.Darryl_Greer Twitter link: https://twitter.com/DarrylGreer16 Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/darryl.greer.77770 I have continued my love of music. Some of my songs can be found on audius.co @darrylgreer. Mission statement: "I aim to achieve optimal enjoyment from whatever I write and at the same time transport my readers to another dimension, free from their daily grind."

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