Review of “The Man Burned By Winter” by Pete Zacharias

The Man Burned By Winter is author, Pete Zacharias’ debut novel. It is first in what may be a series of Rooker Lindström thrillers, three of which are now published. Probably one of the most colourful characters ever to grace the pages of a thriller, Lindström is a former investigative journalist of Scandinavian descent whose father was a serial killer. Personal tragedy sent him off the rails and he now lives in a dilapidated hovel on the shores of Deer Lake in Minnesota. He is a complete mess of a man, an alcoholic, a shadow of his former self when he was a successful journalist. When a series of copycat murders occurs in his vicinity there are those who don’t discount the possibility that he is the perpetrator, carrying on his father’s legacy. Detective Tess Harlow is a detective working on the case and with the press howling for blood, she needs a break. With some of her colleagues more than a little surprised, she approaches Lindström and asks him to act as a consultant – she needs to know how the mind of a serial killer works and he would know, given he was raised by one. Reluctantly, Lindström agrees but he soon makes a chilling discovery – the killer is leaving messages with his victims meant only for him. With Tess Harlow watching his every move, it takes all the tenacity he can summon to get to the terrifying truth.

The Man Burned By Winter is a remarkable debut novel but the theme is so dark it would be best left to those not of faint heart. The plot, with all its twists and turns, is a little complicated but nonetheless riveting, the story a true page turner. Zacharias’ writing is lucid and easy to read, though for some it might be a little too clear with some of the mental images difficult to ‘unsee’. It is a unique twist from common-garden-variety thrillers to have a number of Scandinavian characters in an American setting and this adds flavour to the story. The novel’s greatest asset is its lead character Lindström, with his personality so complicated it’s a struggle to decide whether you love him or loathe him. The Man Burned By Winter is a real treat for lovers of dark, fast-paced thrillers.

Author: darrylgreer

I was born, educated and spent the first chapter of my working life in Queensland, Australia. My education was cut short -- by me, due to the sheer boredom of it -- and at the age of 15 I left to work on a milk run. I went on to work as a window cleaner, cocktail barman, wine waiter, clerk, car salesman and a guitarist and backing singer in a rather hopeless rock band. Eventually, I got my act together, studied Law and at 28, owned my own law firm in Queensland's far north. After nine years in the tropics, I became bored with constant blue skies, gently swaying coconut palms and scuba-diving on the Great Barrier Reef so I sold up and moved with my family to London. I practised there for twenty years, specialising in commercial litigation, mostly at partner level in the City. In 2004, I returned to Queensland and, now a widower, live with my daughter in Mudgeeraba. I am a published author of a significant number of articles in British and international magazines and of seven novels, "The Election", "Calvus", "Agnus Dei", "Sleeping With Angels", "A Dragon In The Snow", "Bounty" and in 2023, "Zeno", a sequel to "Calvus". I published my memoir, "...Passing Through..." in February 2020. I continue to do what I love, write and I am currently researching and writing my next novel. All my books are on Amazon, both and and are available in paperback and Kindle e-book. Goodreads link: Twitter link: Facebook link: I have continued my love of music. Some of my songs can be found on @darrylgreer. Mission statement: "I aim to achieve optimal enjoyment from whatever I write and at the same time transport my readers to another dimension, free from their daily grind."

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